
The Times' Obama-Care Optimism Remains Unquenched

Reporter David Herszenhorn's eternal (and so-far misguided) optimism on the prospects for Obama-care once again burns bright in Thursday's lead story on health-care reform push, Showdown Near ...

A Benign View of the 'Slaughter' House Rule to Pass Obama-Care Without a Vote

While the Times contents itself with a blog post Tuesday portraying Pelosi's proposal as benign, The Washington Post takes the story seriously, putting it on the front page under a blunt headline: ...

Times Touts White House's Official Health-Care Victim Two Days Running

For the second day in a row, the Times highlighted a health-care anecdote that Obama wanted highlighted - the sad story of Ohio resident Natoma Canfield, Obama's poster woman for victims of rising ...

Times Applauds Obama's 'High-Octane Performance' Targeting Health Insurance Industry

A fired-up Obama goes after health insurance companies, and the Times seems to like what it hears: "In a high-octane appearance that harked back to his 'yes we can' campaign days, Mr. Obama ...

It's Alive! (Again): Times Reporter Once Again Hails Resurrection of Obama-Care

Reporter David Herszenhorn hailed the health summit as Obama's "grand gesture of bipartisanship," opined that Obama's massive remaking of U.S. health care was "a largely middle-of-the-road ...

Times Watch Quotes of Note - 'Fear-Filled, Nationalistic Fervor' After 9-11 Attacks

Plus the paper's ethics columnist berates radio blowhards and tea party crackpots," and David Brooks lets us know what his fellow journalists really think of Sarah Palin.

'Fear-Filled, Nationalistic Fervor' After 9-11 Attacks

Plus the paper's ethics columnist berates radio blowhards and tea party crackpots," and David Brooks lets us know what his fellow journalists really think of Sarah Palin

Times Bemoans 'More Republican Stalling' on Obama-Care

Reporter David Herszenhorn sounds impatient. Under the partisan-Democrat headline "Bypassing a Roadblock," he wrote, "But the clear will of Democratic leaders in Congress is not to deal with more ...

Times Whitewashes Sen. Whitehouse's Despicable Comments, But Goes After Conservative Sen. Coburn

Covering Sunday's Senate floor debate on Obama-care, the Times quotes Democratic Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse blasting Republicans for filibusters, but not his comparison of the GOP to Nazis and Jim ...

Why Times Journalists Earn the Big Bucks

Cutting headlines revealing shining shards of meaning.
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