
ABC Works to Rehabilitate Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf's Reputation After Pining for George W. Bush

ABC News set out Monday night to rehabilitate the reputation of the iman behind the proposed mosque near Ground Zero, Feisal Abdul Rauf, trying to discredit criticism of him from the right as ...

Why No Public Love for Obama's "Many Acomplishments"?

Vol. 23, No. 15

At End of 'Seismic Week,' Nets Relay Frustration Public Not Giving Obama Credit for 'All He's Accomplished'

"An earthquake hits Washington," fill-in ABC anchor David Muir announced Friday night as he gushed that "it comes as the President wraps up a seismic week." Muir proposed "the President marked ...

ABC and NBC Champion Illegal Alien Cause: 'Will an Army of Protesters Be Heard?'

Another pro-illegal alien protest and, once again, the networks champion the cause. "Day of outrage, anger on the streets of Phoenix and across this country tonight," ABC anchor David Muir ...

Nets Celebrate May Day Pro-Illegal Immigrant Protests, Barely Mention Shot Deputy

"Angry backlash from coast to coast," ABC's David Muir teased Saturday's World News, "huge rallies across this country tonight against that new controversial immigration law." On CBS, Jeff Glor ...

Nets Not So Excited About Violence and Threats Aimed at ObamaCare Opponents

An evening after all three broadcast network newscasts led by advancing the Democratic narrative of violent ObamaCare critics, a storyline intended to discredit conservatives as all gratuitously ...

ABC: Anti-ObamaCare Protest 'Turned Very Ugly' with 'Racial and Homophobic Slurs'

Though "thousands" of anti-ObamaCare protesters gathered outside the Capitol on Saturday, ABC decided to smear the entire cause by stressing the despicable actions of a handful as anchor David ...

ABC Ignores False Limbaugh Quotes; More Interested in Comparing Rush to Marge Schott

ABC's Good Morning America on Tuesday devoted two stories to whether the "controversial" Rush Limbaugh would be able to buy an NFL team, but skipped any discussion of the false quotes that have ...

ABC Manages to Find 'Glass Half Full' for Obama on Health as His Polls Fall

ABC on Friday night made clear how President Obama is losing favor on health, but Kate Snow still saw a "glass half full" view: "It's not all bad news for the President...if you look at the glass ...

Media: Tiller a Martyr, Abortion Not Killing and Pro-Lifers are Crazy

In reporting his murder, networks and blogs paint late-term abortionist Tiller as courageous defender of women.
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