
Media Research Center

Greece the Wheels...

Media Research Center

Gov. Chris Christie Blames Obama Policies for Middle Class ‘Getting Nowhere’

New Jersey Republican emphasizes economic growth, entitlement reform and national defense in CNBC interview.
Media Research Center

The Media’s Cracked Crystal Ball: What Journalists Said We’d Find in 2015

In the 1980s and ’90s, journalists passed along expert predictions of the world as they thought it would be by the year 2015. Now that the New Year has finally arrived, it might be fun to ...
Media Research Center


Media Research Center

PBS’s Woodruff: Is Debt Limit ‘An Appropriate Tool’ to Restrain Government Spending?

PBS anchor Judy Woodruff asked a question on Monday’s NewsHour that perfectly captured the modern liberal mentality about government spending and debt. During a taped interview with former ...
Media Research Center

Debt Ceiling Logic

Media Research Center

Chris Matthews: House GOP's 'Ideological Zealotry Trumps' 'Minimal Loyalty' to U.S.

Extreme liberal Chris Matthews may be losing his 5pm time slot, but he isn't going quietly. On Tuesday's Hardball, Matthews sneered that House Republicans who are attempting to defund ObamaCare ...
Media Research Center

Networks Hype Obama on Leno, But Skip This Whopper: 'We Don't Need a Huge Government'

Some comments are so unbelievable, one would think even liberal journalists would be forced to challenge them. However, even though all three morning shows on Wednesday covered Barack Obama's ...
Media Research Center

Seven Soros-Linked Groups Behind Left's Push on Student Loans

Ahead of a possible July 1 interest rate hike for federally subsidized student loans, a coalition of liberal and education groups announced a “Social Media Day of Action” to demand congressional ...
Media Research Center

Student Loan Hype: Networks Focus on Debts 245 Percent Higher than Average

 When ABC, CBS and NBC broadcasts mention what graduates owe, they go to extremes. 
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