
Calmes Again Puts Onus for Deficit Reduction on Minority-Party GOP

Yeah! Retired Republican Senator Alan Simpson set "to challenge the party's antitax orthodoxy" according to reporter Jackie Calmes.

G.O.P.'s 'Anti-Tax Hardliners' in Way of Obama's Debt-Reducing Tax Hikes

After passionate defending Obama during the campaign against GOP charges that he would raise taxes, Times reporters are now almost begging him to do so in the name of debt-reduction.

Debt Timer Is True Doomsday Clock

Obama racks up debt and journalists depict him as a fiscal conservative.

Where Is McCain's Apology? NYT Lead Pushes Obama to Break No-Tax Hike Pledge

The Times fiercely attacked Republicans during the 2008 campaign for daring to suggest Obama might raise taxes on people making under $250,000 a year. Today, reporter Jackie Calmes encourages him ...

CNN's Roberts and Guest Advocate 'Broad-Based' Tax Increases

CNN's John Roberts and his guest, Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia University, pushed for President Obama to break a campaign promise to not increase taxes on those who make less than $250,000, and ...

Dear WSJ: No More New Deal Ideas

Like other New Deal plans, subsidizing mortgages will only encourage folly.

Econ 101: That Old-Time Keynesian Theory

Nobel winner Krugman advocates consumption approach, but other prize winners disagree.

ABC Links Credit Card Companies to College Suicides

'Good Morning America' claims lenders are luring students into debt.

'World News:' Banks 'Deceived' Borrowers into Overextending Themselves

ABC segment accuses lenders of preying on homeowners, giving borrowers a pass on personal responsibility.

CNN Uses 'Manipulated' Number to Attack Debt Arbitration Group

'American Morning' calls dispute resolution system 'seemingly unfair' but leaves out context of personal responsibility.
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