
Geraldo Rivera to Ann Coulter: 'Is Cheney Giving Aid and Comfort to the Enemy?'

Geraldo Rivera, on Fox News' Geraldo At Large on Sunday, essentially accused Dick Cheney of treason for criticizing the Obama administration over the weekend, as he asked panelist Ann Coulter if ...

CBS's Smith: Is Cheney Criticism of Obama 'Theater' or 'Real'?

On Monday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith wondered if there was any credibility to Dick Cheney's criticism of the Obama administration's handling of the Christmas Day bomber: "...the point ...

CBS's Schieffer to Biden: Doesn't George Bush 'Also Need a Little Thanks for That?'

Words never spoken before by a CBS News journalist: "Do you think also that George Bush would also need a little thanks for that?" That very unusual quest to credit former President Bush came from ...

Alter Blasts Cheney for 'Emboldening the Terrorists' -- Says He's 'Very Dangerous' and 'Must Be Stopped'

Newsweek columnist accuses for VP of depicting President Obama as weak on national security and therefore increasing country's vulnerability.

ABC's Wright Offers Sarcasm in Story on Conservative Criticism of Obama on Terrorism

ABC on Wednesday night reported on criticism from the right of how President Barack Obama is addressing terrorism, but correspondent David Wright tried to discredit the critics' points by reacting ...

Matthews: Can Obama Lead Cheney, Rove and Neo-Cons 'Out of the Valley of Evil?'

Chris Matthews, on Thursday's Hardball, cast Barack Obama in the role of savior of the neo-cons as he pondered if the President's Nobel Peace Prize speech could, "Lead those neo-cons...out of the ...

Matthews Compares 'Torture Man' Cheney to Hussein Brothers

Chris Matthews, on Thursday's Hardball, in discussing Dick Cheney's endorsement of Kay Bailey Hutchison in the Texas governor's race compared the former Vice President to the sons of Saddam ...

CBS's Dickerson: Cheney A 'Boogie Man;' 'Gift' for White House

On Sunday's CBS Evening News, political analyst John Dickerson brushed aside criticism from former Vice President Dick Cheney that the Obama administration was "dithering" on Afghanistan: "...it ...

Dowd Dares You to Enter 'The Gargoyled Gates of Cheneyville'

Cheney-obsessed columnist Maureen Dowd predicts Liz Cheney's website will "have all kinds of fun reading, like memos by Bush lawyers on enhanced interrogation. (Or, as it's more commonly known ...

"Hawkish" Liz Cheney "Taunting" Obama With "Cable-Ready Ferocity"

Like parents, like daughter: "Like her father, Ms. Cheney speaks in understated, almost academic cadences, head veering down into her notes. She also shares his willingness to pummel President ...
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