
Dick Cheney's "Reign of Terror"

From Maureen Dowd, in the midst of defending Caroline Kennedy's quest for a Senate appointment: "Hillary Clinton is a great talker, but she never stood up in the Senate to lead a crusade against ...

Cheney Makes Them Laugh

A copy editor puts the Vice President in his place: "Making a roomful of reporters laugh. On purpose."

ABC's Raddatz Recoils from True Political Leadership

Reporter is appalled that Cheney refuses to base Iraq strategy on public opinion polls, as network coverage of the war's fifth anniversary emphasizes costs, ignores benefits.

Using Left-Wing Talking Points to Push Reporter's 9-11 Book

The liberal publishing house behind Philip Shenon's book on 9-11 is pushing left-wing talking points to sell it, such as: "Why the Commission did not expose Mayor Rudolph Giuliani's egregious ...

Albright: Bush 'One of the Worst Presidencies' in History

Former Secretary of State pegs global warming and adjusting to globalization as goals for next president.

This Just In: Internet Comments Often Rude, Vitriolic

Double standards of offensiveness? Stunned Public Editor Clark Hoyt launches a tirade against a commentor who invited the Times to take in illegal immigrants - but a death wish against Dick Cheney ...

NYT Hits Rita Braver's Conflict of Interest - But Not With Hillary

Media reporter Jacques Steinberg let CBS reporter Rita Braver get away with an untrue statement: that she has "stayed away" from Clinton interviews after her husband's legal work for the Clintons ...

Cooper vs. Condi: NYT Smacks Rice Around

In an unsympathetic evaluation, reporter Helene Cooper promoted the view that "as national security adviser [Condoleezza Rice] largely served as a rubber stamp for a series of foreign policy ...

Bill Keller Told Cheney Aide Liberal Bias Was "Relatively Rare" in NYT

In denial: The paper's executive editor admitted some Times stories occasionally show "liberal assumptions," but thought "those instances are relatively rare, and I fight to filter them out and ...

Liberal Critic Recommends Anti-War Doc to Bush-Cheney

Chief movie critic A.O. Scott gives a big thumbs-up to an anti-war documentary, recommending it to the White House: "One can only hope that one of these days they'll get around to watching it."
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