
Dear Chicago Trib: U.S. Should Be Shangri-la

If spending makes the economy go-round, decades of overspending should have created a paradise - it didn't.

Dear Baltimore Sun: Nationalizing Auto Industry Means Sacrificing Others

It is impossible to know if the future benefits of electric cars are worth what could be lost by subsidizing them.

Krugman Claims Government Has $10 Trillion 'Cushion'

Pro-intervention economist and Nobel Prize winner tells 'Good Morning America' viewers that trillions more could be spent to fix the economy.

Dear Wonk Room: No 'Right' Way to Bail Out Industry

Telling the government how to bail out the auto industry is like telling burglars the "right" way to steal.

Letter to the Baltimore Sun

A commentary on the 'absurd drama' of Washington politics.

Letter to The New York Times

Do people 'deserve' universal health care?

Letter to The Wall Street Journal

A response to Andrew Wilson's op-ed "Five Myths About the Great Depression."

CNN: Treasury 'Nationalizing More than Vladimir Putin'

'Your $$$$$' favors government intervention; guest predicts need for up to $4.2 trillion government bailout.
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