Double Standard

Media Research Center

CBS, NBC Mention Job Revisions, Ignored Bigger Gains During Bush Years

Two of the broadcast networks conveniently noted upward revisions to past months job gains on Feb. 1st, as the January jobs report was released. ABC didn’t mention that day’s jobs report at all ...
Media Research Center

New York Times Loves Local Left-Wing Protests Against Guns and Fracking (Featuring Yoko Ono)

Oh, no, frackers, it's Yoko Ono: The New York Times made much of two tiny local liberal protests over the weekend, one at a New York State gun show, the other in the state capital protesting ...
Media Research Center

Networks Blamed Feds For Katrina Failure, Credit Them for Sandy

When it comes to natural disasters, ABC, CBS, NBC coverage reveals double standard.
Media Research Center

Nate Silver Disses Gallup Poll That 'Turned Out Badly' in 2008, Missing by 4...But So Did the NYT's Poll

The Times young star pollster Nate Silver dismissed the Gallup poll as overrated, noting it turned out badly in 2008, overestimating Obama's win by four points. But so did the New York Times' last ...
Media Research Center

Soledad O'Brien Cites Liberal Group Debunking Romney Tax Plan, Dismisses Supporter of Plan as 'Conservative Think Tank'

CNN's Soledad O'Brien showed her glaring liberal double standard on Thursday, citing a liberal source to debunk Mitt Romney's tax plan while casting its supporters as either "completely ...
Media Research Center

Reince Priebus to CNN's Soledad O'Brien: 'I Wish You Would Be as Passionate About Taking Barack Obama to Task'

After a lengthy spar with CNN's Soledad O'Brien over an alleged Mitt Romney flip-flop, RNC chief Reince Priebus called her out for her double standard on Thursday's Starting Point. "Soledad, I ...
Media Research Center

NBC Punts on Obama 'Redistribution' Video, but Hammered Romney's '47 Percent' Clip for Days

NBC failed to press Obama adviser David Axelrod over the President's remarks about redistribution on Friday, chucking the story out of its news cycle after two full days. In contrast, the ...
Media Research Center

CNN Four Days Late to Obama's Infamous 'You Didn't Build That' Remark

Four days after President Obama insulted job creators by asserting "If you've got a business, you didn't build that; somebody else made that happen," CNN finally reported the controversial ...
Media Research Center

Howard Kurtz Warns CNN: Liberal Media Double Standard Apparent 'to Many'

Media critic Howard Kurtz warned CNN on Friday that "to many people" it looks like the media have a massive double standard in its campaign coverage of Mitt Romney and Barack Obama. "[W]hen ...
Media Research Center

CNN Continues Cheerleading for Obama and Gay Marriage; 10 Guests Support His New Position, 2 Oppose It

After President Obama publicly supported gay marriage on Wednesday, CNN continued its cheerleading well into Wednesday evening, including a happy interview of openly-gay congressman Barney ...
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