Double Standard

Media Research Center

CNN's 'Balanced' Coverage of Obama's Support for Gay Marriage: 5 Guests In Favor, 1 Opposed

It didn't take long after President Obama voiced his support for same-sex marriage for CNN to gauge the enthusiasm of those in favor of the move. After the news broke at 3 p.m Wednesday, the ...
Media Research Center

PolitiFact Whiffs Again, Rates Accurate Romney Claim 'Half True'

Fact-checking website PolitiFact has rated two accurate claims by the Mitt Romney campaign as "Mostly False" and "Half True" for contextual reasons. However, when President Obama made a ...
Media Research Center

Wash Post's 'Conservative' Blogger Scolds Santorum to 'Stop Whining' About Media Double Standard

The Washington Post's faux-conservative blogger Jennifer Rubin lashed out at Republican presidential candidates on Sunday's Reliable Sources, telling them to "grow up." She ripped the candidates, ...
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