Times reporter Eric Eckholm waxed enthusiastically over gay marriage victories in several blue states: "Elated by their first ballot victories, in four states, advocates of
same-sex marriage ...
Jennifer Steinhauer shone sour light on a bright spot for Republicans in yesterday's vote: "Deep disapproval of Congress and dissatisfaction with partisan
division appeared no match for ...
Where was the criticism of Israel? That was the plaint from the Times former Jerusalem bureau chief Ethan Bronner in his review of Monday's presidential debate on foreign policy: "And there was no ...
The New York Times falls all over itself praising Minnesota Vikings punter and gay-marriage activist Chris Kluwe, he of the perfect verbal SAT score: "Some in the Minnesota news media, used to ...
The Times' Susan Saulny hypes an outdated online poll of young people as a "lost opportunity" for Mitt Romney, while the paper ignored data from the respected Gallup organization showing Romney ...
Hot Air's Ed Morrissey provided some insight into the double standard in the New York Times'
coverage of two mediocre September jobs report released on the eve of
two presidential elections: ...
Hot Air's Ed Morrissey provided some insight into the double standard in the New York Times'
coverage of two mediocre September jobs report released on the eve of
two presidential elections: ...
Campaign reporter Trip Gabriel makes excuses for Joe Biden's "middle class" flub: "A stray sentence by
Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. on Tuesday became the latest remark
seized by the ...
The New York Times liberal movie critic A.O. Scott predictably dislikes "Don't Back Down," which is critical of teachers' unions, seeing in it "a political agenda in overdrive." Yet a review of an ...
New York Times reporter Ashley Parker saw no gaffe or political damage for Barack Obama, merely "talking points" for an attacking Mitt Romney, after the president referred to events in the Middle ...