
Glee: Gay or Straight, Method Acting for High School Musical Enough Reason to Lose Virginity

Teens pursuing sex for mercenary and trivial reasons is celebrated by media as 'loving and responsible.'

Glee Set to Show Gay Sex

Episode titled 'The First Time' features gay and straight sex scenes

CMI COMMENTARY: Pageants and "Prosti-Tots"

TLC's boundary pushing "Toddlers and Tiaras" has officially crossed the line.

NBC Primetime Show Plays Bestiality for Laughs

'Outsourced' character fondly recalls pleasuring a horse.

A Toned Down 'Glee?'

Despite exploding bras, show dialed down the raunch after Super Bowl

Bad Company

For American Businessmen, Primetime is Crimetime

Is Sweeps Month Lesbian Month?

Make 'Em Laugh - But How?

Sleazy Sequels on 'South Park'

New TV Season: Same Old Same Old

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