Glee Set to Show Gay Sex
From its inception, popular TV musical comedy Glee has waged a relentless campaign of liberal propaganda and pushing the boundaries of what's acceptable on broadcast TV. The show is now stepping up its campaign of homosexual promotion. The latest episode of Glee (airing on Nov. 8) titled 'The First Time,' will feature a gay couple having sex on TV.

Tim Stack of Entertainment Weekly calls the episode a 'game-changer,' declaring 'I can't think of another network series that's taken a teenage gay relationship so far or been so progressive.' And indeed, the show has consistently advocated a progressive tilt on homosexuality, portraying the behavior as completely normal and uncontroversial.
Glee is notorious for its obsessive promotion of racy and controversial sexual behavior. A previous episode of Glee featured two lesbian cheerleaders kissing in bed and discussing 'scissoring.' Another episode of Glee also featured a gay kiss among males. A Nov 2010 GQ issue featured Glee cast members posed in various states of undress. 'The First Time' will merely be the latest in a long line of Glee episodes pushing the sexual envelope.
Glee creator Ryan Murphy (who is also the creator of the aptly named American Horror Story) is outspoken in his desire to push the envelope regarding sexual matters. In an interview with Bravo's 'Sex in the Box,' Murphy declared: 'It's tough to get that sexual point of view across on television. Hopefully I have made it possible for somebody on broadcast television to do a rear-entry scene in three years. Maybe that will be my legacy.'
With this latest episode of Glee, Murphy is well on his way towards achieving that goal of hyper-sexualizing television.