Family Research Council

Media Research Center

Less Than a Day After Shooting, CNN Affirms FRC's 'Hate Group' Label

Less than a day after a shooting at the Family Research Council, CNN dug up a 13 year-old FRC quote to support the "hate group" label by the liberal Southern Poverty Law Center. Early Start ...
Media Research Center

CNN's Baldwin Misses FRC Shooter's Political Motive -- Despite CNN Reporting It Earlier

CNN's Brooke Baldwin couldn't find a motive behind the Family Research Council shooting, on Thursday afternoon – despite CNN having earlier reported that "politics" was involved in the ...
Media Research Center

Day Two: CBS Ignores Shooting at Conservative Organization, NBC Offers a Scant 35 Seconds

Over eight hours of broadcast time, Thursday, the network morning shows devoted a scant two minutes and 57 seconds to Wednesday's shooting at the conservative Family Research Council (FRC). ...
Media Research Center

NYTimes Brief and Vague on Possible Lefty Political Motivations of Family Research Council Shooter

The New York Times made do with a 330-word article on page A15, while the Washington Post made the local story a long and more politically detailed off-lead on Thursday morning: "An armed ...
Media Research Center

NBC And CBS Aiding and Abetting Anti-Conservative Hatred

Late yesterday morning, an armed LGBT activist allegedly opened fire at the Family Research Council (FRC) headquarters in Washington, DC with the intent to kill FRC staffers. He was subdued by a ...
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews, Who Linked Palin to Giffords Attack, Skips Shooting at Conservative Organization

Liberal MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews, who previously linked Sarah Palin and Michele Bachman to the attempted killing of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, completely ignored the shooting of a ...
Media Research Center

HuffPo Attacks Family Research Council as ‘Hate Group’ Even After Shooting

Even after the shooting of a security guard at the Family Research Council, the Huffington Post can’t stop slamming the pro-family organization as a “hate group.”
Media Research Center

Soledad O'Brien Grills, Interrupts, and 'Agrees to Disagree' With Tony Perkins on Gay Marriage

In a rather blatant show of a double standard on Thursday's Starting Point, CNN's Soledad O'Brien interrupted and grilled the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins over his opposition to ...
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