Fareed Zakaria GPS

Media Research Center

CNN’s Stelter Claims Zakaria Plagiarism Charges Merely ‘Attribution Mistakes’

For the second time in two years, CNN’s Fareed Zakaria has been accused of plagiarism, for using other people’s words and claiming them to be his own, during his Fareed Zakaria GPS program. ...
Media Research Center

CNN President: 'Complete Confidence' in Zakaria, Despite New Plagiarism Scandal

CNN President Jeff Zucker is standing by Fareed Zakaria, despite new allegations that the host plagiarized in multiple venues. On Wednesday, Hadas Gold of Politico reported Zucker's Tuesday ...
Media Research Center

Nicholas Kristof's Ridiculous IRS Spin: 'Every Second Term Has Scandals'

Liberal New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof and The New Yorker editor David Remnick both downplayed the IRS controversy on Sunday's Fareed Zakaria GPS. Kristof predictably spun the scandals ...
Media Research Center

Andrew Sullivan Accuses Catholic Bishops of Politicizing Contraception Debate

Sunday's Fareed Zakaria GPS saw a ridiculing of the Catholic bishops and Republicans for their stances against contraception and the HHS mandate. The liberal panel was quite hostile to ...
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