
Network Morning Shows Celebrate 'April Fuel's Day' Bashing 'Big Oil'

Journalists draw parallels between higher gas prices and tax breaks for oil companies on day of congressional hearing.

ABC Ignores Taxes Behind High California Gas Prices

'World News' segment about economic hardship due to higher gas prices in California fails to explain why that state's prices were higher to begin with.

Evening Newscasts Not Sure Energy Bill is Enough

ABC's Gibson wonders if epic energy bill will go far enough in regulating Americans' energy use; NBC relies on one-sided experts to praise it.

Media Premature on Anticipated Doom of $100/Barrel Oil

Networks warned of $100/barrel oil and its potentially disastrous effects months ago, but it hasn't happened.

Morning Show Uses Thanksgiving Travel to Call High Gas Prices 'Highway Robbery'

CNN's 'American Morning' frames story on gas prices as if oil companies are stealing from consumers.

NPR's $100 Oil Series: Profits Will Be Used for New Exploration

Report explains how higher prices enable companies to invest in the future of energy.

ABC: Why is Shell Taking from Your Grandchildren's College Fund?

'Good Morning America' asks president of Shell Oil if he could 'cut back' on profits.

CNN Reporter Tries to Explain Oil and Gas Prices

While predicting higher gas prices, 'American Morning's' Ali Velshi confuses viewers who might not know that gasoline and crude oil are separate - and different - markets.

Networks Still Get High on Gas

ABC, NBC and CBS reports mention price drop only about one-fourth of the time.

NBC Leaves Out Big Reason Corn Prices, and Milk Prices, Are Higher

Gas prices are down, so 'Today' laments higher milk costs - but doesn't mention the ethanol subsidies that make cows' feed so expensive.
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