
Spring has Sprung: Media Begin Gas Price Complaints

ABC, NBC and CNN prime the pump with price predictions and talk of 'profiteering.'

'Evening News' Turns to Brit to Lecture Americans on Gas Prices

But columnist from across the Pond leaves out heavy taxes his countrymen pay for petrol.

Media Myth: Gas Hysteria

Prices are Falling, But

CNN's Lee Pumps Up Gas Price

Business reporter errs in saying Americans are paying a penny less than the 'all-time high.'

Hugo The Boss

Media criticize greed of energy executives, but go easy on Venezuelas oil strongman

Media Myths: Gas Hysteria

Media Hype Harm of Rising Gas Prices Despite Drop of 45 Cents Per Gallon

Bias At The Gas Pump

Changing the Subject to Big Oil-Bashing

Networks Turn on Oil Companies After EPA Declared Itself Innocent on Midwestern Gas Price Hikes
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