3/13/2007 1:25 PM ET
ABC, NBC and CNN prime the pump with price predictions and talk of 'profiteering.'
12/11/2006 3:31 PM ET
But columnist from across the Pond leaves out heavy taxes his countrymen pay for petrol.
9/27/2006 3:03 PM ET
Prices are Falling, But
7/10/2006 1:02 PM ET
Business reporter errs in saying Americans are paying a penny less than the 'all-time high.'
3/1/2006 3:43 PM ET
Media criticize greed of energy executives, but go easy on Venezuelas oil strongman
11/3/2005 8:47 PM ET
Media Hype Harm of Rising Gas Prices Despite Drop of 45 Cents Per Gallon
6/27/2000 12:00 AM ET
Networks Turn on Oil Companies After EPA Declared Itself Innocent on Midwestern Gas Price Hikes