Gay Rights

Media Research Center

Gay Activist Larry Kramer’s Claims Many Actors in Old Hollywood Were Gay

‘Hollywood has always been a gay town,’ Kramer claims.
Media Research Center

Artist Defends Using Iconic Patriotic Image to Make Gay Rights Statement

 Image causes an uproar on social media after gay marriage ruling.
Media Research Center

Stelter Asks Dan Savage: ‘Was it Appropriate or Necessary’ to Ask Ben Carson That?

CNN gives full context for Savage, but short soundbites for Carson.
Media Research Center

A New Evangelizing Foreign Policy

Team Obama evangelizes for "gay pride" in many countries worldwide. Who's imposing their culture on the Third World now?
Media Research Center

Howard Kurtz Rips Media Double Standard On Mozilla CEO's Resignation

On Monday's Special Report, Fox News media analyst Howard Kurtz ripped the media double standard on the resignation of Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich. After news surfaced that Eich supported ...
Media Research Center

Once Again, Smearing Arizona; Remember Obama's "Era of Austerity?" Well, It's Over

After six years in which the federal government's public debt exploded by nearly $7 trillion, the Washington Post suggests President Obama has presided over "an era of austerity," even as liberal ...
Media Research Center

Ed Schultz: Religious Protection Bill Is a License for Gun-Crazy Arizonians to Kill

On Tuesday, MSNBC anchor Ed Schultz smeared Arizonians as gun-crazed maniacs salivating over a license to kill. The Ed Show host attacked legislation designed to protect the religious liberty of ...
Media Research Center

Nets Continue Push Against 'Very Controversial' Arizona Bill That Could 'Legalize Discrimination'

All three network morning shows on Tuesday continued the push against an Arizona bill that aims to protect the religious freedom of business owners who oppose gay marriage. According to CBS This ...
Media Research Center

Gay Rights Movement Threatens Businesses

Venues, bakers and florists on receiving end of hate, harassment and lawsuits for holding to religious convictions; networks say little.

Modern Family: From Art to Propaganda

Modern Family becomes a full-blown propaganda work.
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