
Media Research Center

Jihad-TV: Al Jazeera America Favored Gazans over Israelis 5-1

Qatar-owned network avoided ignored Hamas ‘terror,’ Israeli casualties.
Media Research Center

Prof Loses Job Offer Over Israel Hate Tweets. Media Howls About ‘Academic Freedom’

Abject hatred is suddenly a scholarly virtue.
Media Research Center

The Four Stages of Gaza Grief

Media Research Center

ABC, CBS Won’t Explicitly Cite Hamas for Ending Cease-Fire; Labeled Merely ‘Militants’ Instead

During Friday morning’s coverage of the 72-hour cease-fire ending in Gaza, ABC and CBS refused to explicitly acknowledge Hamas as the party responsible for ending the cease-fire with Israel. ...
Media Research Center

Journalists Restricted By Hamas Rules and It's Reflected in Their Coverage

On August 6, Cliff May of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies charged that while the media have filled their stories on the current conflict in Gaza with “pictures of neighborhoods ...
Media Research Center

NBC: 'Without Friends' In Middle East, Hamas Forced to 'Negotiate With Its Enemies'

In a report for Tuesday's NBC Nightly News, chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel declared that "Gazans tried to put their lives back together" during a cease-fire with Israel and said of ...
Media Research Center

Gaza Games

Media Research Center

Terrorist Sympathizer Greenwald: American Media ‘Racist’ for Not Bashing Israel More

Lefty hack gives media ‘F’ grade for not highlighting Israeli ‘savagery.’
Media Research Center

Anti-Semitism ‘Back to 1938,’ Networks Don’t Notice

Violence, vandalism on rise; ABC, CBS ignore completely.
Media Research Center

Networks Hype Israel 'Under Growing Pressure': U.S. 'Appalled' By 'Disgraceful' Shelling

All three network morning shows on Monday eagerly touted the Obama administration denouncing Israel after an attack on Hamas targets in Gaza led to civilian deaths. On NBC's Today, ...
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