
Dictators and (Obama's) Double Standards

When it came to the rigged election in Iran, Barack Obama played it cool in his public statements, earning the tacit approval of the Times. But when the Honduran military toppled that country's ...

HuffPost's Nico Pitney No "Administration Plant," But Jeff Gannon Was

Peter Baker of the New York Times on the Nico Pitney planted question controversy: "Here is the dirty little secret about White House news conferences: The president almost always knows the ...

Scientific American Magazine Honors Obama For 'Welcoming Back' Science Into White House

For his "extraordinary" accomplishments in just "a matter of weeks of taking office," the June edition of Scientific American magazine is honoring Barack Obama as one of ten people "who have ...

Hypocritical Tears for "Red Scare" Victims in '50s NYC

Ralph Blumenthal on Communist teachers dismissed from NYC schools: "It was the height of the Red Scare, and the nation was gripped by hysteria over loyalty and subversion....The Board of ...

Obama's Muslim Outreach Bears Fruit in Lebanon's Elections - Maybe Iran Too!

Michael Slackman, whose previous reporting focused on how much the Muslim world hated America, finds the Obama administration winning hearts and minds and even elections: "There were many domestic ...

Is Obama Getting a Pass on the Bad Economy?

Double standard? Today's 9.4% unemployment rate "fueled hopes" that the economy was recovering, but 4.6% unemployment rates during the Bush administration were characterized as "job growth slowing ...

President Obama Rejects Brian Williams' Dig at Bush

In an interview excerpt on Tuesday's NBC Nightly News, Brian Williams used President Obama's upcoming speech to Muslims in Cairo to take a dig at ex-President Bush, as he contended: "It's a speech ...

Matthews Berates 'Jealous, Little, Phony' GOP for 'Pathetic Swipe' at Obama Trip

Chris Matthews, on Monday's Hardball, was outraged at the RNC's criticism of the Obamas wasting taxpayer money to go see a Broadway play as he railed that it was a "jealous, pathetic swipe at the ...

David Sanger Finds Wisdom in Conspiracy-Monger's Book on Muslim World

Professor Juan Cole calls Israel "racist" and "fascist" on his blog. He now has a book out, and the Times' David Sanger thinks Bush should have "mulled over such material."

Media Latch on to Swine Flu 'Pandemic'

National news goes hog wild with influenza stories but barely discusses Bush preparations; need for border security.
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