Obama visits Baghdad: "In Unexpected Visit to Iraq, Obama Wins Troops' Cheers." Bush visits Baghdad in Thanksgiving 2003: "President Bush with American troops yesterday at the mess hall at Baghdad ...
Magazine writer James Traub uses left-wing controversy over plans for a Bush presidential center at Southern Methodist University to talk another assault on Bush's legacy.
Mark Leibovich: "It seems that 'socialist' has supplanted 'liberal' as the go-to slur among much of a conservative world....Right-leaning bloggers and talk radio hosts are wearing out the ...
After denying the possibility of winning in Iraq during the Bush years, the Times is suddenly having second thoughts: "This is what victory in the war in Iraq was supposed to look like...."
Science reporter Dennis Overbye lets the tears flow over Obama: "...you could feel a dark cloud lifting like a sigh from the shoulders of the scientific community in this country."