On the eve of potentially expensive climate change talks in Copenhagen, Andrew Revkin and John Broder assure readers that besides CRU there are "a wide range of data from other sources, including ...
More than two weeks after ClimateGate broke, ABC's World News finally got around to mentioning it Sunday evening, but not to explore how the e-mails discredited leading scientists who insist ...
ABC's Good Morning America maintained its blackout on ClimateGate this weekend, even as Sunday's show previewed the Copenhagen climate summit. Reporter Clayton Sandell showcased two scientists, ...
NBC Nightly News on Friday night became the first broadcast network morning or evening news program to inform viewers about "ClimateGate," but only in the most cursory manner as Anne Thompson ...
Yet again the Thursday network evening newscasts on NBC, ABC, and CBS failed to cover the ClimateGate scandal. However, ABC World News did manage to devote a two minute story to the release of ...
Even as Copenhagen looms, broadcast news ignores e-mails suggesting warming alarmists 'manipulated' data, conspired to destroy information and thwarted peer reviews.