
Cornelia Dean Chides Those Who Doubt Harm of Global Warming

Cornelia Dean chides the public for doubting the undeniably harmful effects of global warming: "...about a third of Americans think there is lively scientific debate on both topics; in ...

CBS: World Leaders 'Relieved' Obama President Instead of Bush

On Thursday's CBS Evening News, correspondent Chip Reid described the relief of world leaders at the G-8 Summit that Barack Obama was representing the United States: "...the President showed yet ...

Comrade Krugman Accuses GOP of "Treason Against the Planet"

Columnist Paul Krugman's left-wing mindset takes a totalitarian turn: "And as I watched the deniers make their arguments, I couldn't help thinking that I was watching a form of treason - treason ...

No Dissent, No Cost Questions in Cap-and-Trade Coverage

John Broder mostly ignored skeptics and lowballed the cost of the Democrat's climate change bill.

Night Before Key Vote, Networks Remain Silent on Cap-and-Trade

ABC, CBS and NBC fail to cover climate bill that would cost each family $1,241 a year.

Deutsche Bank Launches 'Carbon Counter' Over Madison Square Garden

Bank calls for astounding $45 trillion over the next 40 years to be put toward 'renewable energy.'

John Broder Completely Swallows Alarmist Global Warming Report

The Times shows no skepticism about a White House report that blames global warming for increased rainfall and "more powerful tropical storms."

'Nightly News': Don't Let the Mild Weather Fool You, There's Still Global Warming

NBC environmental correspondent defends global warming alarmism, suggesting warm weather is on the way.

Climatologist Blames Global Warming for Air France Crash

Alexei Kokorin, climatologist for Russia's WWF's Climate Program says 'frequency and severity' of severe weather conditions near crash site is higher due to global warming.

Austin, Texas Requires Green Audit for Real Estate or Face Criminal Charges

Local government of Austin 'green' ordinance requires mandatory $300 'clean energy audit' according to NBC affiliate; Non-compliance classified as Class C misdemeanor.
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