
Congresswoman Claims to Have Asked Gore About Global Warming on 19-Degree Inauguration Day

Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., warns about forthcoming cap-and-trade legislation and says earth is entering into a long-term global cooling stage.

It's Winter, So That Must Be Gore Talking about 'Warming'

The left's own Punxsutawney Phil brings more hot air to a chilly Washington.

Barack Obama, Saving Science from the Bush Dark Ages

In Times world, that apparently means acceding to any left-wing "scientific" recommendation on stem cells, global warming, and sex education.

Not Green: Obama Inauguration Will Generate More than Half-Billion Pounds of CO2

Study that includes planes, trains, automobiles and even horses shows it would take an average American house 57,598 years to produce same carbon footprint.

The Ice Age Cometh: Experts Warn of Global Cooling

'Lou Dobbs Tonight' segment dismisses manmade global warming theory -- 'effects of greenhouse gas have a small impact on climate change.'

CNN's Dobbs on Global Warming Hysteria: 'It's Almost a Religion without Any Question'

'Lou Dobbs Tonight' host observes global warming alarmists cherry-pick facts in climate change arguments.

EPA 'Cow Tax' Could Charge $175 per Dairy Cow to Curb Greenhouse Gases

Farm Bureau warns just this one rule may increase milk production costs up to 8 cents a gallon.

EPA 'Cow Tax' Could Charge $175 per Dairy Cow to Curb Greenhouse Gases

Farm Bureau warns just this one rule may increase milk production costs up to 8 cents a gallon.

CNN Meteorologist: Manmade Global Warming Theory 'Arrogant'

Network's second meteorologist to challenge notion man can alter climate.
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