
Melting, Melting ... Well, Not Exactly

Predictions of an ice-free Arctic prove to be just a lot of hot air.

Networks Link Global Warming to Hurricanes

ABC, NBC connect recent storms to man-made CO2 emissions.

Time Rejects Climate Change as Cause of Storm Intensity

Magazine reports disasters worse due to population, not global warming

GOP Platform Chair: McCain 'Pushed Very Hard' for Climate Change Plank

Rep. Kevin McCarthy says the nominee's influence, 'strong belief when it comes to global warming' are the reasons for support.

Music and All That's Left (Wing) Embrace Warming Pop-Aganda

'Hannah Montana' star Miley Cyrus shows eco'brain washing starts at young age.

Disney's New Hannah Montana Album Features 'Global Warming Anthem'

Teen pop star sings 'Wake Up America,' warns the 'earth is calling out,' but admits she doesn't know 'what all this means.'

Olbermann Mocks Canceled Anti-Global Warming Event; Group Fires Back

MSNBC 'Countdown' host links climate and Hurricane Fay by calling discontinued event in path of storm 'ironic.'

Not Green: NBC Beijing Olympic Set Air Conditioned -- Outdoors

'Green is Universal' network that dimmed set to push eco-programming gives cold shoulder to Chinese weather.

Climate-Change Games

China's use of force to solve Olympic-sized pollution problems may be preview of cap-and-trade policies.

Only 25 Percent See Global Warming Threat

ABC poll finds few Americans see climate change as environment's biggest threat, more trust business than government to address problems.
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