
Media Cover Up Obama's Malaise Speech

Sounding like Jimmy Carter, the presidential candidate told an Oregon audience Americans have to make major sacrifices to fight global warming, or we're 'goners.'

McCain's 'Better Way': 'Eco-Friendly' Campaign Merchandise; Spokesman Says Not Pandering to Left

'Green' campaign items latest signal of global warming pandering as presumptive GOP nominee continues to disappoint conservative base.

ABC Wants You to Fight Global Warming One Cheeseburger at a Time

'World News' correspondent worries about everyone's contributions toward stopping climate change, even though governments worldwide must 'attack' it, he says.

Washington Post Enlists Kids in Fight for Polar Bears

Lacking key facts, Post asks young readers to decide if polar bears 'deserve' to be listed as endangered.

NBC Meteorologist: Cooler Waters, Not Global Warming, Behind Tornadoes

'Nightly News' anchor Brian Williams says 'smart' people say 'we must be doing something to our earth' to cause 'deadly tornado season.'

Al Gore Calls Myanmar Cyclone a 'Consequence' of Global Warming

Former vice president tells NPR's 'Fresh Air' cyclone is example of 'consequences that scientists have long predicted might be associated with continued global warming.'

Polar Bear Scare Could Maul Energy Production

Global warming alarmists, news media portray arctic beasts as victims and spokesbears, but protecting their thriving population means greatly increased federal power to control our lives.

'Good Morning America' Gives Only Fraction of ANWR Caribou Story

Show's weatherman warns oil exploration could endanger wildlife, though proposals for drilling would impact only 1/100th of 1 percent of the total refuge.

Report: Global Sea Ice at 'Unprecedented' Levels

April 2008 had the third highest recorded amount since records were started in 1979, contradicting media coverage of diminishing sea ice.
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