
Global Warming Alarmists Like High Gas Prices

Climate change activists in elected office, lobbying and the media view rising fuel costs as 'the best thing that can possibly happen.'

'Good Morning America's' Expert Blames Heat Wave on Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Stanford professor says carbon dioxide and methane 'we've added' are making it hotter; climatologist refutes that assertion.

The Times Shows Wishful Thinking on Global Warming

An editorial wonders how the next president will "confront global warming and rising fuel prices?" Yet the Senate bill being debated addresses global raising fuel prices.

Media Pave the Way for Next President to 'Cap' U.S. Energy Use

'Cap-and-trade' scheme would raise energy prices, cost jobs and reduce each household income by thousands each year.

Boxer: 'Recession' is 'Precisely' the Right Time for Economic Upheaval of Cap-and-Trade

California senator claims expensive legislation needed to avert war caused by global warming.

White House Differs from Media on Timing of Climate Report

'World News,' AP claim Bush administration was forced to release report due to a federal judge's order.

Washington Post Declares 'Human-Generated Carbon Dioxide Emissions' Already Cause of Disasters

Article quotes four experts and a study from one side but offers no counterpoint.

More Tornadoes Than Usual in the South Because of...Well, You Know

It took the Times a while, but an increase in U.S. tornadoes was eventually blamed on you-know-what: "But several groups of researchers have begun to ask if the country is seeing more severe ...

McCain's Break with "Troglodyte Wing" of GOP & "Know-Nothings Like Rush Limbaugh"

All that and racism too: "Meanwhile, McCain's party tried to hold onto a Republican Congressional seat in Mississippi this week by using racial scare-mongering from the Jim Crow era."

'Big Oil' Faces 'the Same Game Plan that Brought Down Big Tobacco'

Lawyer that sued the tobacco industry in the 1990s now suing energy industry for causing climate change, according to Atlantic Monthly.
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