
Kernen: Energy Czar Browner is 'Scary' during 'Once in a Lifetime Recession'

CNBC anchor says she could regulate emissions of 'bakeries, breweries, places of worship.'

Lack of Snow in NYC Due to You Know What

Times theatre critic Charles Isherwood is feeling "flake-deficient" and blames global warming.

NBC's Curry Climbs 'Poster-Child' for Climate Change

'Today' show anchor misleads viewers about declining Mt. Kilimanjaro ice during network's 'green' week.

Network Shows May Add Global Warming Propaganda

Systematic green indoctrination ready for primetime, and that's O.K. with Reuters.

WaPo: Bush Pro-Life Regs Onerous, Ideologically Offensive

Reporters quote a former Clinton official accusing the Reagan and Bush administrations of establishing the Mexico City Policy, which limits the promotion of abortion by government-funded groups, ...

'Today' Revives Carbon-Spewing 'Ends of the Earth' Special

NBC morning show misses irony in emitting tons of carbon to travel globe for climate change special.

Greenpeace Resurrects JFK for Global Warming Ad Campaign

Web video depicts dead president warning climate change 'threatens our very existence,' claims 'technology and renewable energy offers the last remaining hope.'

'World News' Rediscovers Global Warming

Despite being overshadowed by financial crisis, ABC blames 'climate change' for melting ice in Greenland.

ABC Won't Air Gore's Global Warming Ad

'We Campaign' petition has 79,000 signatures; claims oil and coal industry ads as reason for not airing 'Repower America' TV spot.

Time Warp: Magazine Award Finalist for Offensive Iwo Jima Cover

Magazine editors honor global warming image that angered veterans.
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