
NBC Uses Shaky Intelligence to Fan Flames of Global Warming Alarmism

'Nightly News' portrays climate change as a threat to national security based on 'low- to medium-confidence' report findings.

Times Ignores Chief Climate Scientist's Scientific Stalinism

After devoting a long story to his upcoming testimony before Congress, the Times' print edition ignored climate scientist James Hansen's call for oil executives to be put on trial for "high crimes ...

Are Ecofriendly Homes the New Prada?

New York Times predicts future bragging rights at dinner parties will consist of how 'green' your home is.

ABC, NBC Claim Link between Iowa Floods and Global Warming

Networks cite NOAA scientist making flood and climate change connection, although he's been making those claims for 13 years. Pulls Story Making Quake/Climate Link Claim

Site says it's AP, AP says it isn't ours; story identical to 'ubercrackpot' scientist's press release.

Professor: Gore Needs to 'Slim Down' for Environment

Claims nation's added weight equals 42 million extra people, drains resources, makes climate worse.

Eat, Drink, and Be Merry, for Tomorrow We Die

Forget the first three, as media keep viewers afraid of their own shadow.

Meteorologist Says Money Behind Warming Alarmism 'Can Corrupt Anybody'

Cullen adversary argues he knows only one broadcast meteorologist who is 'on the global warming bandwagon.'

'Early Show' Tells Us How to Live 'the Right Way in the 21st Century'

Show highlights green living, promoting Planet Green documentary.

ABC Web Site Compares Current Day to Fall of Rome 'If We Don't Save Our Troubled Planet'

Network's 'Earth 2100' program warns about collapse of civilization, asks 'Are we next?'
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