
Oil War: The Media Crusade

Broadcast journalists have attacked oil industry for years over 'mind-boggling' profits, wanting to expand drilling and for funding global warming 'contrarians.'

House Majority Whip: Climate Change Hurts Blacks More

Clyburn says African-Americans 'disproportionately impacted'; study recommends 'fee, tax or allowance auction on polluters.'

M.I.T. Scientists: Warming Will Actually Reduce Number of Hurricanes

American Meteorological Society report contradicts claim tropical activity increases due to climate change.

'Nightly News' Finds Green Lining in High Gas Price Cloud

NBC reporter promotes high gas prices as a positive because they are forcing Americans to find ways to curb greenhouse gas emissions.

Energy Expert: Poverty Stricken Don't 'Give a Damn' About Warming

Left-wing conference hears that without prosperity people won't try to fix climate; promotes government mandate for flex-fuel cars.

ABC Reporters Team Up with Environmental Activists on Planet Green

Mainstream journalists join Discovery network's show about global warming threats.

'World News' Ties California Fires to Global Warming

Segment cites climate change, ignores other factors as reason for increase in wildfires.

NBC Promotes Green Agenda in G-8 Summit Report

'Nightly News' blasts U.S. government for inaction on climate change and promotes expensive Japanese efforts.

ABC: Penguins are the Next 'Canaries in the Coal Mine'

'World News' reports new population study that promotes global warming alarmists' agenda.

'Evening News' Portrays $7 Gas as Positive

CBS reporter finds favorable aspects of expensive fuel: less traffic congestion and a happy global warming activist.
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