
Fuel for Thought: Hurricane Season Below Average

Networks promote warming oceans, but ignore cooling temperatures.

What a Difference a Page Makes for Global Warming, Hurricanes

Post's news section admits scientists debate hurricane link, but Outlook author predicts Katrina-like storms in D.C.

Too Much Gore on TV

Network obsession delivers a summer filled with vice president turned climate change pitchman.

Post Environmental Reporter Urges Gore to Run in 2008

Grunwald dismisses Kyoto treaty as too 'modest,' calls for Americans to sacrifice standard of living to cut greenhouse gases.

Entertainment Weekly Says Global Warming Keeps Gore 'Cool'

The debate remains, despite magazine's incorrect claim that even Fox News won't challenge movie.

Parade Pushes Another Gas Tax

Magazine's guide to going green, fighting global warming calls for less green in your pocketbook.

Networks Hype Global Warming Study Based on 'Proxy' Evidence

News shows leave out the 'Little Ice Age,' lack of temperature data, and role of the sun in warming.

ABC Begs for Viewer Complaints about Global Warming

Web page posted one day before the first day of summer is latest evidence of media's unbalanced climate change reporting.

Networks That Praise Gates, Bashed Oil Firms

Same media outlets that attacked oil companies for success compliment Microsoft, a more profitable corporation.
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