
Help the Earth for Just $18,000

CBS pushes California's solar power plan by downplaying massive cost.

Can We Atone for Our Energy Sins?

Media fawn over celebrities' 'carbon offsets' and fail to examine cost of carbon-trading programs.

'Hannity & Colmes' Lists More Than 70 Scientists Skeptical of Global Warming Hysteria

Show proves case isn't closed, discusses major new documentary.

Three Obscure Novelists Use Sunday's Editorial Page to Expound on...Climate Change?

"Prompted by a New York winter that went from disturbing warmth to bone-chilling cold practically overnight, the Op-Ed page asked four writers from four different corners of the globe to report on ...

Media Operate in Concert with Gore's Music Plans

Print, broadcast ignore hypocrisy of a 'green' event that could pollute every continent.

Time: On Global Warming, 'The Price of Inaction Will Be Enormous'

Magazine once again tries to tell readers that climate issue is settled.

CBS's Harry Smith: Is Al Gore a Prophet?

Reporter gives former vice president a worshipful interview, suggests Gore could have done more if he were elected president.

Fortune Magazine Slams Coal Company, Praises Alliance Between Big Biz, Enviros

Reporter Marc Gunther pits TXU coal company against 'pro-business' green groups that oppose nuclear energy and favor tax increases.

For Former NYT Environmental Reporter, It's Apocalypse Now for the Climate

Retired Timesman William Stevens doesn't have much doubt about global warming, and even brings Hurricane Katrina into the apocalyptic picture: "The awakening has been energized largely by dramatic ...

The Times Finds Anti-Bush Discontent in...NBC's Hit "Heroes"

"Nowadays, many dramas obliquely echo the public's disenchantment with their government after Abu Ghraib and the quagmire in Iraq."
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