
The "Domineering," "Bombastic" Mine Owner That Doesn't Believe in Global Warming

The Times uses name-calling on Robert Murray, owner of the Utah mine that collapsed - and drags in his disbelief in global warming dogma.

New NASA Temperature Data Yet Another Reason to Re-Assess Global Warming Scare

Faulty data abounds in the foundational arguments of climate change zealots.

The Times Embraces Religious Activists - on the Left

The Times Magazine celebrates a left-wing order of nuns going after ExxonMobil on global warming.

If It's Friday, It Must be Robin Finn Fawning Over a Liberal

For the third Friday in a row, reporter Robin Finn "Public Lives" profile celebrated a liberal activist, sidestepping such journalistic niceties as balance.

Save NYC from Flooding: Stock up on Fluorescent Light Bulbs!

The Times promotes another apocalyptic global warming study by the left-wing activist group Union of Concerned Scientists.

Going Green: The Media Reveal a Major Color Scheme

Journalists lose their jaded attitudes and embrace an environmental pallet for just about everything.

Not So Fast: Bush Fails to "Derail Climate Plan" in Germany

A front-page photo caption is no longer operative.

Defending Intolerance on Global Warming

In defending Weather Channel "climate expert" Heidi Cullen's intolerance of opposing views, the Times embraces the idea of man-made global warming as an undeniable fact.

"Saint Albert" Ministers to the Environmental Heathens

Contributing writer James Traub fertilizes Al Gore's "prophetic" image.

Times Asks "...Has the Weather Been Stranger Than Usual?"

A Times' poll assumes "global warming" is happening and caused by human activity like driving.
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