
Caps and Trade-offs: Presidential Candidates and Climate Change

All three frontrunners have declared support for mandatory emissions reductions - which would cost consumers and businesses lots of money.

Weather Channel Founder Blasts Network; Claims It Is 'Telling Us What to Think'

TWC founder and global warming skeptic advocates suing Al Gore to expose 'the fraud of global warming.'

Andrew Revkin Makes Clear His Skepticism of Global-Warming Skeptics

Environmental reporter Andrew Revkin: "The two-day gathering, which concludes Tuesday, was organized by the Heartland Institute, a Chicago group whose antiregulatory philosophy has long been ...

Famed Hurricane Forecaster William Gray Predicts Global Cooling in 10 Years

Expert states ocean cycles will have a more profound effect on climate than CO2; criticizes James Hansen's climate models.

BMI's Gainor: 'Disagreement is Not Allowed in the Media'

Business & Media Institute Vice President tells 'Fox & Friends' media ignore and mistreat global warming 'skeptics.'

International Conference Will Challenge Global Warming 'Consensus'

Scientists, policy experts from around globe will meet in Manhattan to present other side of the climate change debate.

Dean: Use 'Darfur, Climate Change and Poverty' to Win Over Evangelicals

DNC chairman credits YouTube for control of Congress; advises followers to use union tactics to get voters.

Time Shills for Global Warming Alarmist Site

Bryan Walsh warns readers to visit because it 'might give you a last glimpse of a dying polar world.'

'Nightly News' Rails Against Coal Over Climate Change -- Again

NBC airs one-sided segment against a new coal-fired plant, which would bring jobs to a beleaguered Nevada economy.

Sen. Kerry Blames Tornadoes on Global Warming

Former Democratic presidential nominee blames 'intense storms' that have killed more than 50 on climate change.
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