
Election Watch: Paul Bashes McCain for Global Warming Alliance with Gore

Texas congressman addresses CPAC audience immediately following McCain's plea for conservatives support.

Alarmist 'Six Degrees' Producer Says Global Warming Catastrophe Not 'Even Likely'

Author Mark Lynas tells audience the 'Armageddon' scenario featured in his film probably won't happen.

New Republic Editor: McCain Could Be 'Nixon-to-China' on Global Warming

Liberal magazine's Foer says stance on climate has 'virtues', but he must cope with conservative 'lunatics' in base.

Goldberg: Gore Uses 'Fascist' Tactics to Push Warming Agenda

National Review Editor at Large says left promotes 'softer' form of authoritarianism.

'Nightly News' Gives One Side of Antarctica Ice Changes

NBC environmental reporter points finger at man for landscape changes; doesn't acknowledge any other possible factors or science.

Albright: Bush 'One of the Worst Presidencies' in History

Former Secretary of State pegs global warming and adjusting to globalization as goals for next president.

The Goracle Speaks, and the World Finally Listens

Sarah Lyall: "He has said it again and again, with increasing urgency, to anyone who will listen. And on Monday, former Vice President Al Gore used the occasion of his 2007 Nobel Peace Prize ...

Climate Changes, but Media Remain the Same

Environmentalists, journalists head to Bali to discuss ways to spend your money.

Al Gore, from "Lost Soul" to "International Hero"

Jim Rutenberg provides some oxygen to the "Draft Gore!" movement.

Politics With Your Popcorn: The Sequel

Not even a story on movie sequels is immune from liberal politics.
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