
George Stephanopoulos Demands Rumsfeld Apologize for Not Supporting Troop Surge, Skips Media Hostility

Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Tuesday repeatedly hectored Donald Rumsfeld, goading the former Defense Secretary to apologize for not supporting a troop surge in Iraq. At no point ...

Anti-Reagan Media Now Lecturing Conservatives on 'Appropriating' His Legacy, ABC Mocks 'Church of Reagan'

Ronald Reagan endured harsh, vitriolic rhetoric from journalists throughout his career, but that hasn't stopped some in the media from lecturing present-day conservatives on who best represents ...

ABC Sets Up Sting Operation to Find Racism in AZ Immigration Law, Hires Actor to Play a Bigot

ABC and reporter John Quinones on Thursday stretched the bounds of journalism, hiring an actor to play a racist security guard as a way of testing how the people of Arizona would react to the ...

ABC Uses Health Care Ruling Against Obama to Hit Romney from the Right, CBS and NBC Downplay

Rather than bring in a top Obama official to respond to a federal judge declaring Obamacare unconstitutional, ABC's George Stephanopoulos on Tuesday used the occasion to attack possible ...

ABC Pushes for Tax Hike on Capital Gains, Ignores Likelihood of Tax Revenue Loss

On Friday's World News, and on Saturday morning's GMA, ABC ran reports highlighting hedge fund manager John Paulson's "jaw-dropping" 2010 income from capital gains, fretting that he will not pay ...

ABC Declares: Claire Shipman, Wife of New Obama Press Secretary, Will No Longer Cover the White House

Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos and Jake Tapper on Friday addressed the fact that Barack Obama's New press secretary, Jay Carney, is the wife of ABC reporter Claire Shipman. ...

Robin Roberts Fawns Over Michelle Obama: Will You Attend Prince William's Wedding?

Good Morning America's Robin Roberts conducted yet another fawning interview with Michelle Obama on Friday, offering 11 minutes and two segments to such important topics as whether the First Lady ...

ABC's Bianna Golodryga Encourages the Liberal Ron Reagan to Play Psychic, Channel His Father

Good Morning America on Sunday continued to hype the very liberal Ron Reagan and the claims in his new book that his father showed early signs of Alzheimer's while in the White House. The network ...

ABC's Harris Frets of 'Political Risk' in Obama 'Getting Too Cozy with the Business Community'

On Sunday's Good Morning America on ABC, during a discussion of President Obama's upcoming State of the Union Address, as guest Mike Paul of MGP and Associates PR argued that Obama needs to talk ...

After Linking Conservatives to Hateful Rhetoric, NBC Skips Dem Who Compared the GOP to Nazis

After spending close to two weeks bemoaning the state of political dialogue in America and wondering about its connection to the shooting of a Congresswoman, NBC has, thus far, completely ignored ...
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