
George Stephanopoulos Frightens Viewers: Will GOP Put Americans at 'Risk' with ObamaCare Repeal?

Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Tuesday used ominous Democratic talking points and pressed Newt Gingrich as to whether Republicans are willing to put uninsured Americans at "risk" ...

ABC Touts Ron Reagan Jr.'s Alzheimer 'Revelations' About His Father for 24 Minutes Over Five Days

Over a span of five days and three programs, ABC donated 24 minutes of coverage to Ron Reagan's new book and the allegations that his father had symptoms of Alzheimer's while being President. On ...

Twice in 24 Hours, ABC IDs Michael Reagan as 'Conservative,' Ignores Ron Jr Being a Liberal

For the second time in less than 24 hours, ABC identified Michael Reagan as a "conservative," but failed to identify the left-wing ideology of Ron Reagan Jr. Monday's Good Morning America played ...

ABC's George Stephanopoulos Knocks Rush Limbaugh for His 'Man Crush' on Chris Christie

According to Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos, conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh has "a man-crush" on New Jersey's Chris Christie. The GMA host interviewed the governor on Thursday ...

George Stephanopoulos: 'No Evidence' Shooter Was Motivated by Politics, Focuses On It Anyway

According to Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos, there's "no evidence" that the Arizona shooter was motivated by political ideology. But, that didn't stop the ABC host from speculating ...

ABC Skips Controversy with Leftist Roseanne Barr, No Mention of 'Burnt Jew Cookies' Photo Spread

Hard-left comedienne Roseanne Barr appeared on Wednesday's Good Morning America and faced no questions about her controversial, often bizarre statements, such as in 2009 when she dressed up like ...

George Stephanopoulos Parrots Pelosi, Warns About GOP Taking Away Health Care Benefits

Former Democratic aide turned journalist George Stephanopoulos on Thursday parroted Nancy Pelosi and warned the Republican Majority Leader about taking away health care benefits from Americans. ...

ABC Offers Skeptical Take on New Republicans Who are 'Whipping Out' Their Pocket Constitutions

Good Morning America's Robin Roberts on Wednesday offered a doubting take on whether or not the newly elected Republicans in Congress would be able to keep their promises. She skeptically ...

ABC Knocks 'Weeping' Boehner as 'Harshly Partisan,' Gushed Over Pelosi as 'Galvanized Steel With a Smile'

Good Morning America's Jon Karl on Tuesday derided the incoming Republican Speaker of the House as "harshly partisan." The ABC correspondent joked that John Boehner can look "like the weeper of ...

ABC Scolds 'Rising Star of the Republican Party' Chris Christie for Missing Blizzard

Of the three morning shows, only ABC's Good Morning America on Wednesday singled out New Jersey governor Chris Christie, chiding the "rising star of the Republican Party" for being out of the ...
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