On Monday's Good Morning America on ABC, co-host George Stephanopoulos discussed President Obama's response to the Gulf oil spill with Democratic strategist James Carville: "Probably no one has ...
Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Friday parroted Democratic talking points while interviewing Governor Tim Pawlenty about the tea party movement. The potential presidential ...
Former New Yorker editor Tina Brown appeared on Thursday's Good Morning America to deride the mostly Republican women who won primaries on Tuesday as "wingnuts" and to sneer that they represent a ...
Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Wednesday again highlighted charges of adultery against Republican Nikki Haley. He pressed the South Carolina gubernatorial candidate, demanding to ...
All three network morning shows touted the good showing by a Republican women in Tuesday's primaries, but ABC's Elizabeth Vargas suggested credit should really go to Hillary Clinton, because she ...
ABC's George Stephanopoulos on Monday touted allegations about a supposed affair between Republican Nikki Haley and a lobbyist. Recounting the details of the charges leveled against the ...
ABC News found a picture they couldn't resist showcasing, no matter how much it exaggerates the dangers from the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico. Both Good Morning America and World News on Sunday ...
Good Morning America's Claire Shipman on Wednesday continued to tout the "storybook" nature of Al and Tipper Gore's failed marriage, reminiscing, "Al and Tipper. Tipper and Al. Their very ...
Former Democratic operative turned journalist George Stephanopoulos lectured James O'Keefe on Tuesday, deriding, "And some of your critics say that you're more of a political activist than a ...
James Carville appeared on Wednesday's Good Morning America to condemn Barack Obama's response to the oil spill. George Stephanopoulos seemed taken aback by the intensity of his fellow Democrat ...