
ABC Touts Columnist Tom Friedman Seeing Gulf Oil Spill as 'Opportunity'

GMA's hosts and producers know what to expect when they have columnist Thomas Friedman on: Requests for yet more taxes on the American public.

ABC Touts Tom Friedman to Lobby for Taxes on Oil and Carbon

Good Morning America on Thursday again brought on Tom Friedman to lobby for taxes on carbon and oil. Talking to host George Stephanopoulos, the New York Times columnist urged Barack Obama to "use" ...

ABC Thrills Over 'Rising Star' Charlie Crist's 'Declaration of Independence' From GOP, Grilled Lieberman

ABC's Good Morning America on Thursday gushed over "rising star" Charlie Crist's decision to leave the Republican Party and run as an independent in the Florida Senate race. Next to a graphic that ...

ABC: 'Mostly Peaceful' Immigration Protests vs. 'Very Ugly' Tea Party Rallies

On Saturday's Good Morning America, reporter Mike Von Fremd downplayed the violence of protesters against Arizona's new immigration law. He spun, "Riot police were called in to try and control ...

ABC's Bill Weir to Sheriff Joe Arpaio: Will You 'Grab People on Street Corners?'

ABC's weekend coverage of a tough immigration bill in Arizona focused mostly on the anger and outrage against it, minimizing supporters of the legislation. Talking to Sheriff Joe Arpaio, a fierce ...

George Stephanopoulos Hits Geithner From the Left on Financial Regulation: Break Up Big Banks?

Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Thursday challenged Timothy Geithner from the left, advocating that the administration really needs to "do something" tough with the financial ...

ABC's Sam Donaldson Hypes: Al Gore for the Supreme Court

On Thursday's Good Morning America, ABC journalist Sam Donaldson touted a liberal hero for the Supreme Court, one that even made George Stephanopoulos chuckle: Al Gore. After arguing that Barack ...

ABC's Ashleigh Banfield Frets Over War of Words Between Clinton and 'Right-wing Polemics'

Good Morning America's Ashleigh Banfield on Sunday spun Bill Clinton's continuing attack on talk radio as a "war of words" between the ex-President and the "right-wing polemics [sic]." The former ...

George Stephanopoulos in Russia: Skips Violence Against Journalists, Highlights Russian President's Love of Pink Floyd

Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos reported live from Russia on Monday and Tuesday and, despite devoting 32 minutes to interviewing the country's President and other officials, never ...
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