Conservative columnist Ann Coulter debated no less than two former Clinton operatives on Friday's Good Morning America, guest host George Stephanopoulos and former State Department spokesman Jamie ...
NBC and CBS's morning shows on Thursday completely skipped any reference to the false quotes that forced Rush Limbaugh to be dropped from a group bidding to buy the St. Louis Rams. Only Good ...
ABC's Good Morning America on Tuesday devoted two stories to whether the "controversial" Rush Limbaugh would be able to buy an NFL team, but skipped any discussion of the false quotes that have ...
Legendary singer Andy Williams has backed off the sharp edge of his criticism of President Obama. About three weeks after he told a British magazine Obama "wants the country to fail," Williams, ...
Good Morning America co-host Diane Sawyer on Friday used an odd expression to fawn over Barack Obama's Nobel Prize win. She cooed that the award is "the Olympic gold of international diplomacy." ...
Wednesday's CBS Evening News With Katie Couric and Thursday's Early show completely ignored any mention of the fact that the deficit has risen to a staggering $1.4 trillion, triple what it was a ...
According to ABC correspondent Claire Shipman, the botched Olympic bid by Barack Obama is actually a "good" thing for the President. Writing an online column for True/Slant, Shipman bizarrely ...