For the second day in a row, ABC's Jake Tapper inserted a snarky, left-leaning attack into a report on Good Morning America. Highlighting Joe Wilson's "You Lie!" outburst during Barack Obama's ...
ABC correspondent Jake Tapper on Thursday condescendingly described Barack Obama's address to Congress this way: "At times, it was almost like the President were a principal and Congress a bunch ...
ABC's Robin Roberts conducted a fawning interview with Barack Obama on Wednesday's Good Morning America, downplaying controversy and instead offering fawning softballs such as "How difficult is it ...
It took Van Jones' resignation, around midnight Saturday night on a holiday weekend, for ABC and NBC to mention him for the first time in Sunday morning news shows which broached, but failed to ...
All three morning shows on Friday skipped any reference to the developing controversy over Obama administration Green Jobs Czar Van Jones and his connection to the 9/11 Truther movement. CBS's ...
Former Democratic strategist turned journalist George Stephanopoulos appeared on Thursday's Good Morning America to declare that President Obama's address to Congress on September 9 must ...
On Thursday's Good Morning America, for the third time in two years, Sam Champion interviewed an extreme environmentalist who shunned toilet paper for a year as part of a project to be carbon ...
Of the three morning shows, only ABC's Good Morning America on Wednesday highlighted just how quickly and severely Barack Obama's approval ratings have fallen. In a report on the subject, ...
When Diane Sawyer filled in as World News anchor in February, she admired a "scrapbook, if you will, of the President's journey on the road to the stimulus package." She effused: "I want to show ...
On Saturday's Good Morning America, ABC touted a German city that has rid itself of all cars. Complimenting the citizens of Vauban, reporter Jim Sciutto cheered, "And residents don't mind one ...