9/24/2008 12:34 PM ET
Predictions of an ice-free Arctic prove to be just a lot of hot air.
9/17/2008 3:08 PM ET
Journalists race to 'check' Palin claims, ignore Democrats' billion dollars in earmarks.
9/2/2008 12:00 AM ET
The media are trying to define the GOP vice presidential nominee before the public gets to know the real person.
8/29/2008 3:15 PM ET
'Good Morning America' criticizes penalty for drivers who break rental rules.
8/27/2008 3:59 PM ET
Two years after broadcast networks, newspapers heralded Gardasil 'breakthrough,' Merck under attack for marketing its product.
8/27/2008 1:00 PM ET
Media oversimplify problem, rely too much on consumer price index.
8/6/2008 12:00 AM ET
Good Morning America explores how religious belief is helping the Steven Curtis Chapman family cope with the death of their daughter.
7/28/2008 8:54 AM ET
'Good Morning America' reports plane 'instantly plummeted' and passengers had 'no idea what was happening.'
7/17/2008 7:01 AM ET
'Good Morning America' continues to feed hysteria over bank failures.
7/9/2008 12:00 AM ET
The entertainment industry cashes in on teen pregnancy, at great cost to society.