5/7/2008 10:54 AM ET
Supermodel appears on ABC's 'Good Morning America' to promote green tips of the rich and famous.
5/6/2008 12:00 AM ET
Good Morning America jolts viewers awake with a puff piece on incest.
4/15/2008 12:00 AM ET
There were too many examples of anti-Pope bias to list before Benedict even set foot on American soil.
4/7/2008 12:00 AM ET
Story explains why parents should just say no to Spring Break.
4/1/2008 3:20 PM ET
Clinton campaign adviser points to presumptive GOP nominee's positions on torture, taxes, global warming, tobacco and health care as evidence.
3/28/2008 12:00 AM ET
Good Morning America promotes the latest gay gene study, and marginalizes the opposing scientific voice by labeling him as religious.
3/27/2008 2:24 PM ET
'Good Morning America' highlights student who 'didn't understand' the fees added to her card balance.
3/26/2008 12:00 AM ET
ABC's Good Morning America fails to ask hard questions when a transgendered 'man' announces 'his' pregnancy.
3/10/2008 12:00 AM ET
Good Morning America ditches character, personal responsibility.
3/6/2008 1:00 AM ET
Good Morning America portrays transgenderism as just one of those complicated choices.