
Market Expert: Obama Adminstration Green Economics to Cause 'The Greatest Depression'

Noted trends tracker Celente criticizes Obama administration over spending, bailouts, unemployment.

Time Magazine Cites Lack of Strikes, Rise of Collectivism 'Top Signs of Troubled Economy'

List also takes cracks at health care industry, wacky fast food promotions and big box store weddings.

Krugman Tries to Scare Up More Government Spending with 'Third Depression' Rhetoric

Liberal NY Times columnist and Nobel Prize winner calls European austerity measures 'victory of an orthodoxy that has little to do with rational analysis.'

Dear USA Today: Current Crisis Not Worse than Great Depression

U.S. economic woes are not the result of globalization and free trade.

The Media Depression that Wasn't (Even Close)

How the networks conjured 'Hoovervilles' and breadlines to sell Obama's spending.

ABC Asks: Is Bad News the New Porn?

Some people are becoming addicted to bad economic news and ABC should share some of the blame.

Cramer Declares End of 'Depression'; Credits Obama's Rhetoric, not Actions

'Mad Money' host had taken the 'Great Depression' off the table after the federal government enacted a bailout in late 2008.

NBC Ups the Ante on Economic Woe, Profiles Sacramento 'Shanty Town'

Chris Jansing continues media's Great Depression theme with images of 1930s and today.

Suze Orman Claims White Collar Workers are in 'Bread Lines'

Personal finance expert tells Larry King to 'look at the people' in soup lines.

ABC: Cutting Food Costs Can Lead to Obesity

'World News' says receding economy can cause expanding waistlines.
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