
'Bulls & Bears' Guest Can't Find Example of Stimulus Success

Talk radio host and stimulus bill proponent Leslie Marshall was asked, but couldn't name an economic recovery linked to stimulus.

Krugman's Obama Would be Like 'Franklin Delano'

Nobel Prize winning economist has devoted over half his post-election columns to urging Obama to act like FDR, or promoting New Deal-style stimulus.

Criticism Prompts Cramer to Defend Great Depression Reversal

Two weeks after taking 1930s comparisons off the table, 'Mad Money' host responds to BMI and others.

The Media's Top 10 Worst Economic Myths of 2008

BMI's collection of outrageous economic bias for the entire year: From the salmonella outbreak to the media's call for a new, New Deal.

Michigan Mayor Says No Auto Bailout Will Mean Depression

Virg Bernero says letting Big Three 'fall by the wayside' will 'hurt national security.'

GM Bailout Only Way to Stave Off Great Depression II, Says Cramer

'Mad Money' host tells viewers letting a bad business fail, putting the labor elsewhere would never work. Video: 'Lesson' from 1930s: Government the Solution

Reporters say federal intervention, bailouts were lesson of Great Depression.

Letter to The Wall Street Journal

A response to Andrew Wilson's op-ed "Five Myths About the Great Depression."

Left, Media Try to Cook Up a New New Deal

Attacks on capitalism, reverence for FDR bypass experts who say anti-market policies prolonged Great Depression.

CBS Highlights Wall Street Icon's Achievements

Chronically negative 'Evening News' correspondent showcases 94-year-old businessman's success story.
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