
John McCain Being a "Dangerous" "Bomb-Thrower" Against Obama Care

Biased health reporter Katharine Seelye goes after Sen. John McCain on a podcast for being a "bit of a bomb-thrower" for pushing...a liberal idea on importing cheap drugs from Canada ...

Flustered CBS: Baucus' ObamaCare 'Would Reduce the Deficit,' Yet 'Republicans Still Oppose It'

The Senate Finance Committee's ObamaCare bill will spend $829 billion, but CBS Evening News Maggie Rodriquez trumpeted how "according to a new report from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget ...

Networks Ignore Democrat Defeat of Immigrant ID and Their Push for Coverage of Illegals

News media covered dust-up over Joe Wilson, but not recent developments that support his claim.

An Empty 'Republican Trophy Case' for Obama Care

The overexcitable reporter David Herszenhorn is still seeing Obama triumphs on health care, including a purported "Republican chorus for health care" that's actually sounding some pretty flat notes.

NY Times Falls for 'White Coats in Rose Garden' Staged Photo-Op

The New York Times played up "White Coats in Rose Garden," a photo-op of doctors shipped in to support Obama's health care overhaul, but reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg managed to miss the ...

"White Coat" Syndrome Hits the Times

The Times plays up "White Coats in Rose Garden," a photo-op of doctors shipped in to support Obama's health care overhaul, but reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg managed to miss the embarrassing image ...

Washington Post Says Health Care 'Rationing' Shouldn't be Dirty Word

Staff writer argues U.S. care delivered in 'haphazard, even illogical, way.'

CNBC Guest Says 47,000 Die Annually of Un-insurance

Former Clinton staffer uses dubious statistics to argue for ObamaCare.

MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan: Conservatives Don't Care If 'Half the Country Dies' in Order to 'Take Down Obama'

Morning Meeting host Dylan Ratigan on Monday smeared conservatives, saying that the right doesn't care if "half the country dies" in order to "take down Obama" on health care. Ratigan made his ...

Media Sycophants Tout Obama's Olympic "Dream Team"

Vol. 22, No. 21
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