
Letterman Glows to Obama: 'I Can't Tell You How Satisfying It Is to Watch You Work'

David Letterman, who still regularly ridicules former President George W. Bush, didn't hide his affinity for Barack Obama during his Monday night Late Show interview of the President. "I can't ...

Desperate for Guests? 'World News' Goes to Rolling Stone's Taibbi for Health Care Segment

Magazine contributing editor, who once said 'guy huffing glue' more sensible than Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, is ABC's 'progressive' voice on health care.

Obama Blitz Roundup: 'Meanness' on Right, Pelosi's Warning, Only ABC Raises ACORN

In the series of network interviews recorded Friday at the White House for airing on the ABC, CBS, CNN and NBC Sunday morning interview shows, all highlighted Jimmy Carter's charge that racism is ...

Obama's 'Extraordinary Media Blitz' Begins Friday Night with Focus on Racism Charge

TV network journalists Friday night marveled at President Obama's "media blitz" on health even as they reveled in it as they made the very "blitz" and clips from the interviews (conducted Friday ...

NPR's Schorr: ObamaCare Would 'Save Many Lives,' So Why Fuss Over Aliens?

On Wednesday, NPR "senior news analyst" Daniel Schorr insisted nationalized health care "would save many lives," and all those rumbles from the right about providing taxpayer-subsidized abortions ...

At Last, the Times Discovers Liberals

Jackie Calmes' analysis of Sen. Jay Rockefeller's opposition to Sen. Max Baucus's health care proposal has more "liberal" labels than any Times story in memory.

CBS Disguises Single-Payer Group's 45,000 Deaths Claim as a 'Harvard' Study

Trying to boost the rationale for ObamaCare, Thursday's CBS Evening News ran two stories from far-left sources, but disguised the agenda behind both. Katie Couric announced that "while the debate ...

NBC: 'Blunt' Carter 'Prompted Us to Reexamine Our Assumptions About Race'

An evening after trumpeting President Jimmy Carter's racism charge, NBC led Wednesday night with the "fallout" as Andrea Mitchell proposed that though "many thought" the "racial divisions" were ...

IBD Poll Disputes Media Claims Most Doctors Back ObamaCare

A new poll of more than 1,300 physicians finds that nearly two-thirds (65%) oppose ObamaCare and nearly half would consider quitting if the liberal health care plan passes. The poll deflates media ...

Media Coverage of the 9/12 Protests: A Report Card

Liberal Nets Acknowledge News Value of Anti-Obama Rally, but Much of the Coverage Is Antagonistic
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