
Public Option the Only Option in CBS 'Early Show' Interview

Anchor Harry Smith interviews HHS Secretary Sebelius about medical-related bankruptcies.

Sickly Rebuttals in Defense of Big-Government Medicine

Reporter David Herszenhorn tried to fact check conservative Sen. Mitch McConnell's attacks on socialized medicine, but came off looking pretty anemic.

Networks Tell One Side of Health Care Story: Obama's

Reports on president's meeting with health care industry and potential 'reform' leave out critics, free-market solutions.

Glowing Dutch - NYT Magazine Celebrates Euro-Socialism

The headline over Russell Shorto's story is self-explanatory: 'Going Dutch - How I Learned To Love The European Welfare State.'

David Leonhardt Talks Sexist "Pay Gaps" With Obama

David Leonhardt talks to Barack Obama about the (mythical) "pay gap" and wonders if America is ready to raise taxes and to cut back on health care.

NYT, Heal Thyself

The Times worries that health insurance plans may not cover a new cancer therapy - but if the Times was in charge of health care, would there be any new kinds of therapies developed for insurance ...

Howard Dean: Part-Time CNBC Contributor, Part-Time MoveOn.Org Activist

Former Democratic presidential candidate using left-wing group to campaign for Obama while employed by CNBC.

Like a Mama Bear, Networks Protect Obama from His Down Market

Stock market reports ignore president's influence or defend him against criticism, but gave credit for March 4, Election rallies.

A Letter from a Working Person

Dear Chris Matthews, build your own business and see if it feels like work.

CBS Keeps Misleading Viewers on Millions of Uninsured

'Evening News' cites flawed data to promote President Obama's 'action' on health care.
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