
No More Niceties: News Report Twice Labels McCain Claims Just Plain "False"

Reporter Michael Cooper's stylebook is bluntly pro-Obama.

ABC Highlights 'Anything but Helpful' Government Healthcare 'Mess'

'Good Morning America' reports on faulty Medicare hotline.

Rendell: 'Bad Person' Wouldn't Support Universal Health Care

Pennsylvania governor says Clinton's fight for 'universal care' in line with Obama

Are U.S. Hospitals Guilty of "International Patient Dumping"?

The U.S. failure to pay in perpetuity for an illegal immigrant's expensive medical care is the result of "two deeply flawed American systems, immigration and health care."

The NYT Wants to Put "Wasteful" Health-Care Choices to Sleep

The Times, a supporter of universal health care, wonders if "wasteful" medicines and "expensive" new medical procedures are worth "a few months" - or even five years - of extra life.

CBS Warns of Dental 'Death Spiral,' Ignores Problems with Public Dental Care

'Evening News' excludes free market solutions for tooth problems in favor of universal health insurance.

McCain Health Plan Means Tax Hike, Says Suddenly Concerned Times

"McCain Health Plan Could Mean Higher Tax," a headline declares, and for once, the Times is not trying to be complimentary. But how are Clinton and Obama planning to pay for their own huge ...

ElectionWatch: Krugman Recycles Story His Own Paper Debunked; Then Apologizes

Liberal columnist repeated a disproved Clinton talking point to promote the need for socialized medicine five days after his own newspaper disproved it.

Econ 101: ElectionWatch: Presidents Shouldn't Have 'Plans'

Candidates race to present plans for the economy, education, health care and global warming - but a planned economy has never worked before.

Obama as President: Iraq Pullout, Nationalized Health Care and Going Green

Democratic presidential hopeful tells 'The View' his top three priorities as nation's commander-in-chief.
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