
Giuilani's "Selective Statistics" on Health Care

Marc Santora claimed "Mr. Giuliani cited horror stories and selective statistics" when talking about health care. No Democrat would ever do that, of course.

BusinessWeek Praises French Health Care System

Magazine reports that U.S. could learn 'valuable lessons' from France, glosses over high taxes and other flaws.

Enough Gushing over Moore to Make You 'Sicko'

Media use Michael Moore's new film to fuel campaign for socialized health care in America.

Drug Company Profits Are Good for Your Health

The media prescribe a constant stream of pharmaceutical company rhetoric leaving out the high costs of miracle drugs.

Review: 'SiCKO' Doesn't Offer Cure-All for Health Care

Michael Moore offers a lot of criticism for American health care, but his solution is taxing on viewers, citizens.

NYT Movie Critic Praises "Sicko," Wonders About Lack of "Social Welfare" in U.S.

A.O. Scott called Michael Moore "a credit to the Republic" after "Fahrenheit 9-11" and thinks "Sicko" is his "funniest," "most broadly appealing" film yet.

'Good Morning America' Gives New Meaning to 'Going Dutch'

Study blames American health care system and diet for loss in national average height.

ABC News Promotes Radical Expansion of Government Entitlement

'World News' makes the case for an aggressive expansion of SCHIP with exploitation of family hardships.

'American Morning' Offers More Free Advertising for Moore's 'Sicko'

CNN's glowing film preview takes Michael Moore's stunts seriously.

USA Today: 'A Little Medical Coverage' Worse than None

Story downplays advantages of limited-benefits insurance, relies on critics by 2:1.
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