
CNN Team Shocked, Appalled that Bush Would Veto Anything about the Children

CNN political analyst gives emotional opinions, omits White House position that $35-billion spending increase 'goes too far toward federalizing health care.'

Clinton Laughs Off Health Care Criticism

Democratic presidential hopeful tells Sunday shows that business wants Hillarycare.

Read Hillary's Lips: 'No New Bureaucracy'

The return of 'HillaryCare' leaves many questions unanswered, while journalists paint her plan as an innovative, mature solution.

The NYT Keeps Its Fingers Crossed for Hillary-Care

Robin Toner: "Some of the romanticism about the virtues of the American health care system may be diminishing, and not just among the audiences who cheered Michael Moore's 'Sicko' this summer."

ABC 'World News' Coverage of Hillarycare: Leaving Out Cost

Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton's plan for health care would cost $110 billion.

Newsweek: New Hillarycare 'Bold, but Hardly Radical'

Magazine predicts how Clinton would run American medical care even before plan is completed.

Media Still Using Wrong Number for Uninsured

New Census data shows increase in uninsured, yet no distinction made between Americans and non-citizens.

ABC Attacks Bush for Threat To 'Cut' Children's Health Insurance

'World News' misrepresents president's promised veto as a funding cut, ignoring $5 billion expansion.

Universal Health Care: CBS Reporter Says Mass. Is a 'Great Start'

Correspondent blogs 'what's great about the plan' Mitt Romney installed - even though Romney himself is distancing his campaign from it.

"Are You For or Against Children?"

Robert Pear thinks the GOP should just give up on stopping the expansion of a federal health care program for children.
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